Lexington, South Dakota Agriculture

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Agriculture Directory | South Dakota Agriculture | Lexington Agriculture

Lexington, KY 40507

When I first started looking to the strategy of raising my personal backyard chickens, I recognized I'd need to have a high quality chicken coop. A swift search exposed that a decent chicken coop would price me about $700. I even saw some that in which priced at over $1000. That was way as well much for me to afford.

Which is when I started to entertain the concept of constructing the chicken coop myself. The one difficulty is I didn't understand how and I am hardly helpful with equipment. Naturally I was somewhat worried that I could even finish such a project. But I made the decision not to surrender so conveniently and started off researching and searching for plans I could use.

At first I was a tad frustrated because lots of the chicken coop plans that I managed to uncover the place in fact really confusing to me. I required simple to realize, step-by-step directions that will explain anything from start to finish.