Elmhurst, Kansas Museums

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Museums Directory | Kansas Museums | Elmhurst Museums


American Movie Palace Museum
152 York Rd. (2nd Floor)
Ph: 630-782-1800
W: www.historictheatres.org/

Elmhurst Art Museum
150 Cottage Hill Rd.
Ph: 630-834-0202
W: www.elmhurstartmuseum.org

Elmhurst Historical Museum
120 E. Park Ave.
Ph: 630-833-1457
E: ehm@elmhurst.org
W: www.elmhurst.org/elmhurst/museum

Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art
220 Cottage Hill St., Wilder Park
Ph: 630-833-1616
E: info@lizzadromuseum.org
W: www.elmhurst.org

Milano Model & Toy Museum
116 Park Ave.
Ph: 630-279-4422
E: deanguy@ameritech.net
W: www.toys-n-cars.com