Taos, Minnesota Museums

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Museums Directory | Minnesota Museums | Taos Museums


Harwood Museum
238 Ledoux St.
Ph: 505-758-9826
E: harwood@unm.edu
W: www.taosmuseums.org/harwood.php

Kit Carson Home and Museum
113 E. Kit Carson Rd.
Ph: 505-758-4741
W: www.taoshistoricmuseums.com

Millicent Rogers Museum
4 miles north of Taos Plaza on Millicent Rogers Rd.
Ph: 505-758-2462
W: www.millicentrogers.org

Taos Art Museum at the Fechin House
227 Paseo del Pueblo Norte
Ph: 505-758-2690
Fx: 505-758-7320
E: museum@vvltam.org
W: www.taosartmuseum.org