Holdrege, West Virginia Antiques

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Antiques Directory | West Virginia Antiques | Holdrege Antiques

Loar's AntiquesLOAR'S ANTIQUES
718 Sherman St.
Holdrege, NE 68949

This is not just a house with some antiques in it. This is a house FULL of all kinds of Glassware,Jewelry,Antique Collars,Kerchiefs,Cookie Jars, Toys, Clocks,Collectables,and ETC.
It's great stuff from just a couple of dollars and up. The House is Full, the Basement is Full, the Garage is Full, the House out Back is Full, and more. A really great place to seek out those treasures for yourself and your friends. You will be surprised--I definately was---TMY(customer)