Gordon, Ohio Museums

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Museums Directory | Ohio Museums | Gordon Museums


Bowring Ranch Museum
30 miles east of Gordon, just north of Merriman.
Ph: (308) 684-3428

Heritage Center Museums
Heritage I - Methodist Church - 230 North Baker

Heritage II - Strotheide Building - 2nd and Main
Ph: 308-638-7643,
Fx: or 308-638-7234

Mari Sandoz Room Museum
117 North Main
Ph: 308-282-9972
E: msbooks@gpcom.net
W: www.sandozlit.com

Rushville Museum
Highway 20 and Nelson Avenue, Rushville, NE
Ph: 308-327-2917

Scamahorn Museum
200 Block of West 5th Street in Wayland Park
Ph: 308-282-0887

Tri State Old Time Cowboys Memorial Museum
Winship Park at 4th Street and Oak
Ph: 308-282-0887