

Annual Connecticut Storytelling Festival

Starting date:
Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# (860) 439-2764

Event Details

Concerts and performances by nationally acclaimed artists. Story sharing and presentation Fri. evening with a family performance. Sat. workshops, gala concert. Sun. is an informal gathering with the featured teller and a story sharing session.

Annual Connecticut Storytelling Festival

Address : Connecticut College New London CT
Phone : (860) 439-2764   (Always call and confirm events.)

Admission Fee : Tickets are sold for individual events or for the entire weekend.


Attractions and Upcoming Events

Shaw Mansion

Connecticut's naval war office during American Revolution. Guided tours with emphasis on West Indies trade, early New London history. Ralph Earl portrait collection, 18

New London, CT Tours

Monte Cristo Cottage

Boyhood home of Nobel Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill; named for the Count of Monte Cristo, his actor-father's most famous role. Setting for O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night" and his only comedy, "Ah, Wilderness!"

New London, CT Arts

Things to do near New London, CT