

Annual Southeastern Connecticut Home & Garden Show

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Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# (860) 563-2111, (800

Event Details

Featuring local and regional companies relating to all aspects of home ownership, building, renovations and other related services.

Annual Southeastern Connecticut Home & Garden Show

Address : Connecticut College Arena & Athletic Center New London CT
Phone : (860) 563-2111, (800   (Always call and confirm events.)

Admission Fee : Adults $7, seniors $6.

Garden Shows

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Hempsted Houses

For almost 50 years, Joshua Hempsted described everyday life. His house, built in 1678, was home to nine generations of Hempsteds. Adjacent is a rare 18

New London, CT Historic Homes

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

One of the nation's four military academies. Museum spans the 200-year history America?s premier maritime service. Tall ship Eagle open Fri.-Sun. 1-5

New London, CT Academies

Things to do near New London, CT