

Chester/Hadlyme Ferry

category : Ferries
Selden III , a ferry that crosses the scenic Connecticut River near Gillette Castle State Park, carries 8 to 9 cars per trip and is the second-oldest continuously operating ferry service in the state. Access from Rte. 148

Admission: $3 per car, $1 walk on passenger and bicycles.
Hours: Apr. 1-Nov. 30,
Address: 54 Ferry Rd.
Phone: (860) 443-3856

Come visit us in Chester, Connecticut

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Chester/Hadlyme Ferry

Selden III , a ferry that crosses the scenic Connecticut River near Gillette Castle State Park, carries 8 to 9 cars per trip and is the second-oldest continuously operating ferry service in the state. Access from Rte. 148

Chester, CT Ferries

The Inn and Vineyard at Chester

Country inn with Colonial decor, modern amenities. 44 rooms with private bath (six suites)

Chester, CT Lodging

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Chester/Hadlyme Ferry

Selden III , a ferry that crosses the scenic Connecticut River near Gillette Castle State Park, carries 8 to 9 cars per trip ...

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