

Corning, Arkansas

Follow the green-and-white pilot wheel markers along the Great River Road in the heart of eastern Arkansas's Mississippi River Delta country. The road, designated a national scenic byway, will lead you from north to south through this rich agricultural kingdom where cotton, rice, soybeans and wheat flourish in some of Arkansas's richest soils. Crowley's Ridge Parkway, another nation scenic byway, also winds through this region, providing excellent views of the productive land from atop a geologic oddity rising from the Delta. Learn more about Crowley's Ridge.

This is the land where Europeans first crossed the Mississippi in 1541, where you can experience a taste of the civilizations they found here at the Hampson Museum State Park at Wilson and at Parkin Archeological State Park at Parkin. You can relive the early days of more recent settlement at countless museums throughout the region, including the Arkansas State University Museum at Jonesboro and the Museum of the Arkansas Grand Prairie at Stuttgart.

Highpoints include the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum & Education Center at Piggott, where "papa" penned portions of "A Farewell to Arms"; the historic riverport of Helena, where the Delta Cultural Center interprets the land, the people and the music of the river country; Arkansas Post National Memorial, which preserves the site of the earliest settlement in the lower Mississippi River Valley; Southland Greyhound Park, one of the largest dog tracks in the country; and Lake Chicot State Park, where fishing is exceptional and bird watching second to none. And don't miss the Louisiana Purchase State Park, where a monument marks the initial point for surveys of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase. Special bicentennial celebrations across the state are planned for 2003. Learn more at

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Corning, AR

Forrest City Downtown Murals

Six murals grace this Delta community's downtown. ...

Lake Chicot State Park

Food Service/Picnic Area Available On Lake/River Name of Lake/River: Lake Chicot Cabins with kitchens (many with lake vi...

Mississippi County Historical Center

Directions: Across From The Courthouse Located in a 1904 building that once housed a dry goods store....

Ditch Bayou Battlefield

Directions: Two Miles East Of The Junction The Ditch Bayou Battlefield of 1864 has changed greatly in the post-war years, ...

Parker Pioneer Homestead

A living history museum consisting of 12 log buildings, as well as several other structures. The village includes: Clark's Ca...