

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do Historical Societies near Islesford, ME

Cherryfield-Narraguagus Historical Society

Photographs of early Cherryfield. Tools & household items of 1850-1920 era. Genealogical information. Open July and Augu...

Ellsworth Historical Society

This brick and granite structure served as the county jail, sheriff's home and office. The angular gables and asymmetrical el...

Castine Historical Society

Located in in historic 1857 restored school building - Castine memorabilia and lectures. Open July and August from 10:00 to ...

Milbridge Historical Society

A small museum of local history. Shipbuilding, fishing, and changing exhibits about local history. Local artists on display ...

Sullivan-Sorrento Historical Society

Memorabilia, photographs,artifacts and genealogy. Check the website for information....