

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Fort McClary Blockhouse-Historic Site

Fort McClary State Historic Site has been occupied since 1689 and for nearly 275 years was used as an important military defensive position to protect the approaches to the Piscataqua River. Fort McClary was manned during five wars: The American Revolution War of 1812 Civil War

Kittery, ME Forts

Hickey-Freeman/Bobby Jones Factory Store

Men's suits, sportcoats and trousers made in America, our premier collection of dress furnishings and luxury Bobby Jones Sportswear. All First quality at outlet prices typically 40% to 50%

Kittery, ME Other Attractions

Things to do Other Attractions near Kittery, ME

Southern Maine Aviation, LLC

Sightseeing Flights of Southern Maine...

Hackmatack Playhouse

2006 Summer Season!!...

North Country Community Theatre

Community Theatre...

Stone Coast Anglers Inc.

A Maine guided sportfishing service specializing in saltwater fly fishing and light tackle angling. Let Captain Paul J. Riou...

Home & Away

Home & Away features fine and traditional native arts from Maine, the Arctic and the Southwest. We carry Penobscot fancy...