New London, Connecticut
Leamy Hall Auditorium
Free year-round monthly concerts performed by the U.S. Coast Guard Band Concert and U.S. Coast Guard Band Chamber Music....
Leamy Hall Auditorium
A full year of the best fishing trips in Connecticut, month by month, to both freshwater and salt water. Filled with explanations beginners can understand�and tips experts can use to put more bends in the rod.
This new guidebook, by Connecticut�s leading fishing writer and Norwich
New London, CT Day TripsBoyhood home of Nobel Prize-winning playwright Eugene O'Neill; named for the Count of Monte Cristo, his actor-father's most famous role. Setting for O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into Night" and his only comedy, "Ah, Wilderness!"
New London, CT Arts136 units (three suites), rest., lounge, TV, coffeemaker, exercise room, I pool;
New London, CT LodgingOne of the nation's four military academies. Museum spans the 200-year history America?s premier maritime service. Tall ship ...
The Mystic Whaler is a re-creation of a New England schooner offering one-, two-, three- and five-day sailing adventures; eve...
Connecticut's naval war office during American Revolution. Guided tours with emphasis on West Indies trade, early New London ...
29 units, TV, microwave, refrigerator....
Take the helm of the schooner Brilliant during a hands-on learning experience at sea. Spring and fall weekends for adults; m...