

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Wakefield Marketplace

Corner of Wakefield Rd & Rte 16 (across from Palmer's Motel). Farmers and Artisans market. All products are homemade or homegrown. Demonstrations/events each Saturday at 10 am. Open Sat. 9-3 May 28 through October 8

Sanbornville, NH Other Attractions

Wakefield Marketplace

Corner of Wakefield Rd & Rte 16 (across from Palmer's Motel). Farmers and Artisans market. All products are homemade or homegrown. Demonstrations/events each Saturday at 10 am. Open Sat. 9-3 May 28 through October 8

Sanbornville, NH Other Attractions

Things to do Other Attractions near Sanbornville, NH

Gadabout Golder Guide Service

Fly fishing & light tackle angling adventures in New Hampshires Lakes region...

Newfound Audubon Center

open summers with weekly programs and daily canoe rentals...


Contemporary and traditional southwestern jewlry and handcrafted fetishes by native American artists....