Tucson Children's Museum
category : Learning Centers

Dinosaur World - Robotic animation of four life-sized dinosaurs, replica fossil bed, fossil table
Ocean Discovery Center - Experience the underwater environment of a submarine, hear whale sounds, find out what fish look like on the inside and learn which everyday products have ingredients which come from the sea!
"ZOOM™ Into The Zone" - The Museum's fun interactive science learning exhibit!
"Electri-City" - Create electricity, discover magnetism and find out how to conserve resources!
THE ART STUDIO - Kids now have a great space for nurturing the artist within.
Bakery/Farmer's Market - Shop for nutritious veggies, have the chance to check them out at the cash register and then sit down at one of the picnic tables for "lunch."
Wee World! - Preschoolers have their own place to play and learn.
Música de las Americas - Features congas, drums, shakers, xylophones and much more!
FIRE STATION - Wear a firefighter's gear, climb into a fire truck, learn about fire safety and enjoy the puppet theater!
WALLS OF WONDER - Room where shadows get left behind! Find out how to make your shadow headless.
IBM Young Explorers Center - Little Tykes workstations and computers loaded with software designed especially for your young explorer.
TRAINS, TRAINS, TRAINS - Don't miss this Southwest themed train display!
Admission: $5.00 ages 2-18 w/adult; Adults: $7.00; Seniors; $5.00; Under 2: FREE
Free Admission Day once a month - Call.
Hours: REGULAR HOURS (after Aug. 14): Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sunday: 12:00 - 5:00 PM
Address: 200 S. 6th Ave.
Phone: 520-792-9985
Our Email: tcm@tucsonchildrensmuseum.org
Our Website:www.tucsonchildrensmuseum.org
Come visit us in Tucson, Arizona