

Unionville, Iowa

Things to do near Unionville, IA


Many Rathbun Lake visitors have shown a growing interest in land based recreation activities. "Off the beaten path" opportuni...

Buxton Park Arboretum

Enjoy the Victorian gazebo, formal fountain and lighting as you take a tour through formal annual, perennial and rose gardens...

Prairie Trails Museum of Wayne County

"Prairie to Present" exhibit on life through the ages of heartland prairie. Turn-of-the-century Main Street, including actual...

Rathbun Lake Camping info

Seven campgrounds are conveniently located around Rathbun Lake. The Corps manages five of these campgrounds Buck Creek, Prair...

Liberty Hall Historic Center and Home of Joseph Sm

Mid-Victorian house with 14 rooms and six closets. Each room is furnished in 1900-1905 period. Also, walk through the country...