

Explore McLean County

Fort Stevenson State Park

On the north shore of Lake Sakakawea, Fort Stevenson State Park was named for a late 1800s frontier fort that served as a supply depot for Dakota Territory'

Garrison, ND State Parks

Turtle Statue

Home to a two-ton metal turtle sculpture named "Rusty"

Turtle Lake, ND Arts

Wally the Walleye

The world's largest walleye is a 25

Garrison, ND Arts

Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center

This interpretive site contains artifacts from every tribe the explorers encountered on their journey. The center's Bergquist Gallery features a rare complete set of the printed artworks of Swiss artist Karl Bodmer. The story of nearby Fort Clark is told in a seperate exhibit. Includes 24

Washburn, ND Education Centers

Flaming Arrow Guest Ranch

A 800-acre farm and ranch on the Lewis and Clark Trail, 5 miles from Washburn and the Lewis &

Washburn, ND Education Centers

Explore McLean County