Explore Kentucky
Cave Run Lake Boating
Boating is one of the more popular activities at Cave Run Lake. Whether operating a power boat, sailboat, canoe or kayak, the waters of Cave Run Lake have a place for all boaters. Warning to boaters - Submerged Timber:
, KY BoatingBarren River Lake Fishing
Fishing opportunities abound at Barren River Lake. Hybrid bass (stocked regularly by State of Kentucky)
, KY FishingStanville Statue of Lincoln
Second Largest Seated Lincoln Statue in World Arrives in Kentucky A 19-foot high statue of Abraham Lincoln will soon sit in a small rural town in Southeastern, Kentucky.
Stanville, KY MonumentsBarren River Lake Hunting
There are 10,000 acres of federal lands at Barren River Lake and approximately 8,000 acres are available for all types of hunting. The Corps of Engineers has leased this land and the 10,000
, KY HuntingCave Run Lake Birdwatching
The natural diversity of the area offers great opportunities for bird watchers. "Birders"
, KY BirdwatchingBarren River Lake Trails
Three self-guided trails are located at the Barren River Lake State Resort Park. Connell Nature Trail: one-mile trail begins at the head of the road leading to the beach. Lena Madesin Phillips Trail: one-half mile nature-historical trail located at 31E picnic area. Bike & Hiking Trail:
, KY TrailsBarren River Lake State Resort Park
Barren River Lake State Resort Park is located near Kentucky's famous cave area, which includes Mammoth Cave National Park, the longest cave system in the world! The Louie B. Nunn Lodge is surrounded by rolling, tree-covered hills, the lodge overlooks the beautiful 10,000
, KY State ParksBarren River Lake Birdwatching
Bird watching can be enjoyed any time of the year and is especially good during the winter months when migrating waterfowl and bald eagles make their way to Kentucky.
, KY BirdwatchingCave Run Lake Campgrounds
The U.S. Forest Service has several campgrounds in the vicinity of Cave Run Lake. These campgrounds include the highly developed campgrounds within Twin Knobs and Zilpo Recreation Areas, the semi-improved Clear Creek Campground, the primitive Clay Lick (Boat-In) Campground
, KY CampingBarren River Lake Boating
Boating opportunities abound at Barren River Lake. Boat ramps are conveniently located in each recreation area and there are also three full service marinas to satisfy needs. There are eight boat ramps on the lake and one located below the dam on Barren River.
, KY BoatingBarren River Lake Campgrounds
Numerous federal and state operated campgrounds provide a wide range of opportunities at various locations around the lake. Remember that camping is only allowed at designated camping areas, within a recreation area. Corps Campgrounds
, KY Camping