

Art & Craft Holiday Bazaar

Starting date:
Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 321-631-9075

Event Details

Join almost 400 art & craftors as they share their handmade talents with the community. The streets are closed to vehicular traffic for your strolling pleasure. Merchants remain open for regular business. There is a food court and a children's amusements area (nominal fee).
Saturday, 10-5; Sunday, 10-4.

Cocoa Village is located two blocks southeast of the intersection of State Road 520 and US1 in downtown Cocoa on the beautiful Indian River.

Handicap Accessibility

Art & Craft Holiday Bazaar

Phone : 321-631-9075   (Always call and confirm events.)

Admission Fee : Free

Arts and Crafts Shows

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Cocoa, FL