

Blue River Trout Derby - Veteran's Day Weekend

Starting date:
Ending date:

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Event# 580-371-2175

Event Details

Each year, the Blue River Association sponsors two trout derbies. Anglers from across the country attend these derbies to fish and compete for cash prizes, awards, and trophies. The first derby is held in November on Veteran's Day Weekend, with the second derby in February on President's Day Weekend, the third Monday.

The trout derby will be located at the Blue River Public Fishing and Hunting Area, about 11 miles northeast of Tishomingo. This clear, spring-fed river will be stocked to the brim with trout for the derby. Trout fishermen will be awarded prizes for the largest trout, biggest stringer and heaviest stinger. Attendance for spectators is free; however, there is a small entry fee for derby participants. All age groups are welcome to participate. Come join anglers from across the country as they compete for cash prizes, awards and trophies!

Blue River Trout Derby - Veteran's Day Weekend

Address : Blue River Public Fishing and Hunting Area Tishomingo OK
Phone : 580-371-2175   (Always call and confirm events.)

Admission Fee : Spectators Free.

Fishing Derbies

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Tishomingo Golf Course

Tishomingo Golf Course is a semi-private, 9 hole golf course that is located alongside the Pennington Creek. This has a regulation length 9-hole distance of 3,187 yards and a par of 36. It is a hilly course, but it is still enjoyable to walk. The green fee ranges from $20-$25

Tishomingo, OK Golf Courses

Blue River Hunting & Fishing Area

Fishing is good all year around and anglers will find catfish, native bass, bream and panfish. From November 1 through March 31

Tishomingo, OK Recreation

Things to do near Tishomingo, OK