

Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum

category : Famous Homes
Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum Aviatrix Amelia Earhart was born in this home, built by her grandfather, Judge Alfred G. Otis, in the early 1860s. It it owned and operated as a museum by the Ninety-Nines, Inc., an international organization of women pilots. Earhart helped found the group in 1929 and served as its first president. Recent renovations have returned the birthplace to its condition at the turn of the century. It features displays on the life of Earhart and also has a research center.

Annually, thousands of visitors tour the National Historic Site to learn about the life of one of the world's most influential female aviators. Since the Museum opened to the public, it has consistently proven to be a leading public attraction in the Atchison area.

In 1997, the 100th anniversary of Amelia's birth, the Kansas Historical Society awarded first place to the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum, presenting the Museum the Nyle J. Miller Award for their extensive restoration efforts. The Museum was designated a National Historic Site in 1971. Today, the Ninety-Nines continue their fund-raising efforts to maintain and improve this treasured landmark and its contents.

Admission: $6 - $10
Hours: Open daily, but hours vary throughout the year.
Address: 223 N. Terrace St.
Phone: 913-367-4217
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