

Bismarck, North Dakota

Bismarck, ND Businesses by Category

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Saint Claude State Historic Site

Site contains the archaeological remains of an 1882

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Camp Weiser State Historic Site

A small granite marker identifies this site as the approximate location of the July 13-14

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Hudson Townsite State Historic Site

A commemorative marker shows the original 1883

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Things to do near Bismarck, ND

Leland Olds Station

Lignite-fired electric generating station. Group tours through Basin Electric....

Kidder County Courthouse

Built in 1881 as a hotel, the building was named the county courthouse in 1885. Listed on the National Register of Histori...

Bismarck Art and Galleries Association

Features exhibits of art, photography and sculptures by local, regional and national artists....

Big Mound Battlefield State Historic Site

The site marks the first major battle fought in Dakota Territory between Gen. Henry H. Sibley's Minnesota volunteers and a gr...

St. Mary's Catholic Church

The church and iron cross cemetery are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. High spiraled brick buildin...