

Bismarck, North Dakota

  • Gateway to Science

    Gateway to Science offers hands-on exhibits which provide opportunities for all ages to learn about science. Visitors experience science and learn how the world works. ...
    Gateway to Science

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Hudson Townsite State Historic Site

A commemorative marker shows the original 1883

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Steamboat Warehouse State Historic Site

An interpretive marker denotes the site of a Northern Pacific Railroad Company warehouse that was built in 1883

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Camp Hancock State Historic Site

This site preserves part of a military post established as Camp Creeley in 1872 to provide protection for work gangs building the Northern Pacific Railroad. The camp's name was changed to Camp Hancock in 1873

Bismarck, ND Forts

Things to do near Bismarck, ND

Camp Hancock State Historic Site

This site preserves part of a military post established as Camp Creeley in 1872 to provide protection for work gangs buildin...

Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Hall of Fame

Oil portraits of recipients of state's highest honor, the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award, given to outstanding North Da...

Chaska (Camp Banks) State Historic Site

Approximate location of Camp Banks, the campsite of the Sibley Expedition on Aug. 2, 1863. An Indian scout, Chaska, died ther...

Dakota Zoo

Home to a wide assortment of animals: endangered monkeys, moose, brown bears and much more. New exhibits allow visitors to o...

Jamestown Speedway

Auto racing weekly. Classes include WISSOTA mods and street, bombers, Midwest mods....