

Bismarck, North Dakota

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Camp Buell State Historic Site

The Sibley Expedition camped at this site July 3-4, 1863

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Camp Hancock State Historic Site

This site preserves part of a military post established as Camp Creeley in 1872 to provide protection for work gangs building the Northern Pacific Railroad. The camp's name was changed to Camp Hancock in 1873

Bismarck, ND Forts

Dakota Zoo

Home to a wide assortment of animals:

Bismarck, ND Zoos

North Dakota Heritage Center and Sakakawea Statue

State's largest museum has an outstanding collection of Plains Indian artifacts and interpretive exhibits that feature North Dakota'

Bismarck, ND Museums

Fort Clark State Historic Site

Fort Clark was built in 1830-31 by the American Fur Company to serve a Mandan Indian earthlodge village built on the site in 1822

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Things to do near Bismarck, ND

Menoken Indian Village State Historic Site

Site preserves a prehistoric village dating to the early 1200s. Site is a National Historic Landmark. Self-guided inte...

National Buffalo Museum

The museum portrays the evolution of the buffalo through its displays and exhibits. Look for the live herd of buffalo and the...

Camp Grant State Historic Site

A small tablet mounted on a large boulder commemorates the July 23 campsite of the 1863 Sibley Expedition....

Veterans Memorial Wall

Veterans memorial wall honoring 1,010 veterans from the Crimean War to the Gulf War. M60A3 tank on grounds....

Double Ditch Indian Village State Historic Site

Site contains ruins of large Mandan Indian earthlodge village believed to have been inhabited for nearly 300 years until 1781...