

Carillon and Bell Tower

category : Historic Towers
Memorial plaques to 2 representatives in U.S. Congress: Henry B. Steagall and George W. Andrews. 37-bell carillon and tower recognizing personnel who have served at Fort Rucker since 1942.

Admission: Free
Hours: Open 8-12 and 1-5.
Address: 294 Painter Ave. (courtyard above the Ozark Area Chamber of Commerce)

Phone: 334-774-9321
Fax: 334-774-8736

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Carillon and Bell Tower

Memorial plaques to 2 representatives in U.S. Congress: Henry B. Steagall and George W. Andrews. 37-bell carillon and tower recognizing personnel who have served at Fort Rucker since 1942

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Carillon and Bell Tower

Memorial plaques to 2 representatives in U.S. Congress: Henry B. Steagall and George W. Andrews. 37-bell carillon and tower r...