Cave Run Lake Fishing
category : Fishing

Slot Limit: Cave Run Lake has a special slot limit on largemouth bass. Largemouth bass between 13 and 16 inches in length must be released immediately. Largemouth bass less than 13 inches in length or greater than 16 inches in length may be kept. Smallmouth bass measuring 16 inches or less must be released immediately. Slot limit requirements and minimum size limits do not apply to the Kentucky (spotted) bass. The daily catch limit (six) and possession limit (12) apply to any combination of the black bass species. Black bass species include largemouth, smallmouth and Kentucky (spotted) bass.
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife and U.S. Forest Service have been installing fish attractors (brush structure) in the lake for quite a few years. For a map showing the locations where fish attractors have been installed, pick one up at the Minor E. Clark Fish Hatchery below Cave Run Dam.
During the construction of Cave Run Lake, a plan was formulated that departed from the usual practice of cutting all the trees below the summer pool elevation of the lake. Trees were left standing in several areas of the lake to provide enhanced habitat for fish and other aquatic life. The submerged trees are partly responsible for the lake's excellent sport fishery. However, boating in these areas requires caution as many of the submerged trees may not be visible above the lake's surface. To request a lake brochure with a map showing the areas of the lake with submerged timber, write to or call the Corps of Engineers Office at Cave Run Lake, or send an E-mail request to the Cave Run Lake Pagemaster.
Address: Located on KY 826 via US 60
Phone: 606-784-9709
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