

Council Grove, Kansas

Council Grove, Kansas

They Gathered at "The Grove." The name "Council Grove" originated from treaty negotiations conducted here in 1825. The treaty, forged between U.S. commissioners and Osage Indian chiefs, granted whites safe passage along the Santa Fe Trail.

The site of Council Grove was a camping and meeting place for native Americans, explorers, soldiers and Santa Fe Trail traders. Here they found ample water, grass and abundant wood due to the extensive groves of hardwood timber. As a rendezvous point for caravans moving west on the Santa Fe Trail, Council Grove provided both Hispanic and American travelers an opportunity to repair wagons and secure provisions in preparation for the long overland trip to Santa Fe.

The Kaw (or Kansa) Indians lived in three villages located three, seven and ten miles southeast of Council Grove from 1848 until their removal south to Indian Territory in 1873.

Noted personalities such as John C. Fremont, Kit Carson, General Custer and the great Kaw chief, Al-le-ga-wa-ho, are associated with Council Grove. Town founder Seth Hays was the great grandson of Daniel Boone and Kit Carson's cousin.

Today the famous "Hays House" restaurant still operates in the store building constructed by Seth Hays in 1857. Because of efforts to preserve our many historical buildings and sites, Council Grove offers visitors an encounter with Authentic western American history.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Field School House

The one-room Field School, closed at the end of the 1945-46 school year, is remarkably well preserved. It was moved from its original site 8 miles south of Council Grove to Maple Camp in 1999

Council Grove, KS Historic Schoolhouses

Hays House

Town founder Seth Hays, a grandson of Daniel Boone and cousin of Kit Carson, opened the Hays House in 1857. Over the years, the Hays House was a gathering place for church services, court trials, bawdy theatricals and politicians\'

Council Grove, KS Restaurants

Cottage House Hotel

This rambling, two-story brick building began in 1867 as a 3-room cottage and blacksmith shop. Today, the handsome gazebo-style porches are favorite gathering places for guests and the historic hotel is a restored showcase of unique Victorian charm. From "Aunt Minnie's Room" to the "Bridal Chamber"

Council Grove, KS Historic Hotels

Hermit's Cave

This tiny cave was the temporary home of an Italian hermit, Giovanni Maria Augustini, who lived here for a brief period in the spring of 1863. Later that year, the religious mystic left with a wagon train, walking the 500 miles to New Mexico.

Council Grove, KS Pioneer History

Things to do near Council Grove, KS

Cowboy Jail

The stone building was used to house prisoners before the courthouse was finished in 1883. ...