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Things to do Historic Sites near Cooperstown, ND

Camp Sheardown State Historic Site

A bronze marker identifies this 1863 Sibley Expedition site....

Lake Jessie State Historic Site

Campsite of the Nicollet-Fremont Expedition in 1839, the Isaac I. Stevens railroad survey party in the 1850s and the James L....

Fort Abercrombie State Historic Site

The site preserves the first United States military post in North Dakota. The post was used from 1857 to 1878 as the gateway ...

Lake Johnson State Historic Site

The site honors George T. Johnson, Company G, 3rd Illinois Cavalry, who drowned in the lake during the 1863 Sibley Expedition...

Fort Ransom State Historic Site

Location of a 200-man military post built in 1867 by Gen. Alfred Terry and named for Civil War Gen. Thomas Ransom. The post w...