

North Dakota Heritage Center and Sakakawea Statue

category : Museums
State's largest museum has an outstanding collection of Plains Indian artifacts and interpretive exhibits that feature North Dakota's varied American Indian, military and agricultural history and prehistory.

Admission: Free
Hours: May 16-September 15, open daily 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; September 16-May 15 Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; archive
Address: 612 East Boulevard
Phone: 701-328-2666
Fax: 701-328-3710
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Come visit us in Bismarck, North Dakota

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Chaska (Camp Banks) State Historic Site

Approximate location of Camp Banks, the campsite of the Sibley Expedition on Aug. 2, 1863

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

North Dakota State Capitol

The 19-story, Art Deco building was constructed in 1933 for $2

Bismarck, ND Historic Buildings

Camp Grant State Historic Site

A small tablet mounted on a large boulder commemorates the July 23 campsite of the 1863

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Camp Hancock State Historic Site

This site preserves part of a military post established as Camp Creeley in 1872 to provide protection for work gangs building the Northern Pacific Railroad. The camp's name was changed to Camp Hancock in 1873

Bismarck, ND Forts

Double Ditch Indian Village State Historic Site

Site contains ruins of large Mandan Indian earthlodge village believed to have been inhabited for nearly 300 years until 1781

Bismarck, ND Historic Sites

Things to do Museums near Bismarck, ND

North Dakota Heritage Center and Sakakawea Statue

State's largest museum has an outstanding collection of Plains Indian artifacts and interpretive exhibits that feature North ...

McIntosh County Heritage Center

Historic buildings include a church, school house, antique machinery, land patent office and 1880 and early 1900 antique room...

Lutz Mansion (Stutsman County Memorial Museum)

Museum established in June 1965 has four floors of treasured memorabilia reflecting the culture and life of early pioneers of...

Ellendale Coleman Museum

Includes items from local schools, antique dishes, clothing, furniture, pictures, antique farm implements, stoves and other h...

Emmons County Museum

Four buildings contain household items, military items and antigue buggy, sleigh and tools and leather tack. Museum in St. Ja...