

Pat Clark Art Collection

category : Collections
Named for its Iowa Falls benefactor, the collection includes more than 270 works of art, including oil paintings, watercolors, ink drawings, and sculptures, by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Portions of the collection are on display at the historic Carnegie-Ellsworth Building.

Admission: Fee
Hours: 9-noon, 1-4, Mon.-Fri., 1-3 Sun. and by appointment
Address: Carnegie-Ellsworth Building
Phone: 641-648-4611
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Come visit us in Iowa Falls, Iowa

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Scenic City Empress Boat Club

Double-deck riverboat, with enclosed lower level, offers chartered or catered cruises on the Iowa River. Rustic log cabin Boat Club available for rentals. Contact us for motorcoach tour packages of the area.

Iowa Falls, IA Boat Clubs

Dow House Historical Museum

Renovated 1900s home, with period furnishings and museum collection. Early Iowa Falls photographs, vintage clothing and toys, collection of petit point. Landscaped with vintage perennials and shrubs.

Iowa Falls, IA Museums

Iowa Falls Historical Museum

Replica of early downtown, with one-room school, doctor and dentist offices, beauty shop, jewelry shops, library. International doll collection, Bill Riley memorabilia. Make an appointment to visit the nearby Dow House, a renovated 1900s home with period furnishings and collections.

Iowa Falls, IA Museums

Pat Clark Art Collection

Named for its Iowa Falls benefactor, the collection includes more than 270 works of art, including oil paintings, watercolors, ink drawings, and sculptures, by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Portions of the collection are on display at the historic Carnegie-Ellsworth Building. Iowa Falls, IA Collections

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Pat Clark Art Collection

Named for its Iowa Falls benefactor, the collection includes more than 270 works of art, including oil paintings, watercolors...