

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Jacksonport State Park

Food Service/Picnic Area Available The 1872 Courthouse museum displays artifacts dating 1840s-1920s of the Jackson County area. The Mary Woods No. 2 is a restored sternwheel paddleboat, which was used on the White River until the late 1960

Newport, AR State Parks

Living Farm Museum

Demonstrations of antique farm equipment; horse-drawn plows, harrows, disks, panters, threshers, hay rakes and balers are amonng those demonstrated; steam boiler and engine, antique tractors;

Newport, AR Museums

Pea Ridge National Military Park

Perhaps the best-preserved Civil War battlefield in Arkansas, this 4,300-acre national historic site includes a seven-mile, self-guided auto tour road with 10 stops; a museum; trails; bookstore and visitor center. The March 7-8, 1862

Newport, AR Military

Jackson Memorial Museum of Funeral Service

Family-owned facility exhibits a horse-drawn hearse and funeral buggy from the 19th century, a chapel and other exhibits.

Newport, AR Museums

Arnett's Doll Museum

Over 5,000 dolls collected by Virginia Arnett are displayed in a private museum adjacent to her home. A rare and complete set of 'Gone With The Wind' character dolls highlights the exhibit.

Newport, AR Museums

Things to do Museums near Newport, AR

Peel House Museum & Historical Garden

Directions: U.S. 71B An Italianate villa built in 1875 by Col. Sam Peel, a prominent early figure in Bentonville history. Res...

Jackson Memorial Museum of Funeral Service

Family-owned facility exhibits a horse-drawn hearse and funeral buggy from the 19th century, a chapel and other exhibits. ...

Edith's Costume Jewelry Museum

Directions: Corner of Moberly and Del White Over 9,000 pieces of costume jewelry are featured in three rooms. They include su...

Log Cabin Museum

An 1850 cabin, dismantled and reconstructed on its present site, is furnished with items used in a home of the 1880s; built i...

Tiny Town Tours Miniature Museum of Merritt

2400 square feet of minatures, seven rooms, 60 dollhouses, 62 stores and other exhibits....