Wichita Mountains - Holy City
category : Landmarks

Holy City was founded by Reverend Anthony Mark Wallock who viewed the Wichita Mountains as resembling the hills and mountains of the Holy Land. The Chapel of the Holy City, built of native stone, was completed in 1936. The design, inspired by a church in Alexandria, Virginia, is reminiscent of an Old World Temple. In the interior of the Chapel are wood carvings, paintings and murals of the Biblical days of Christ in 1933. Government land in the Wichita National Forest Reserve was designated by the U.S. Government for the site of the Holy City and its Easter Pageant. The nationally famous Easter Pageant is a dramatization of the life of Christ held on Easter Eve.
This annual event is held the Saturday evening before Easter.
Phone: 800-872-4540
Fax: 580-429-9323
Our Website:www.theholycitylawton.com
The Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge is located 25 miles northwest of Lawton, Oklahoma. From Interstate 44, take exit 45 west 10 miles to the Refuge gate. If coming in from Highway 62, take Highway 115 (Cache exit) north to the Refuge gate. Contact Refuge Headquarters for more information.
Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center Hours:
The Visitor Center is closed on Tuesdays but is open every other day
of the week from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm.
The Center is closed on major holidays, including
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day.
It opens at 1:30pm on Easter
For further information about the Visitor Center, please contact Refuge
Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Headquarters
(Six miles west of the Visitors Center on Hwy. 49
Rt. 1, Box 448
Indiahoma, OK 73552
Come visit us in Lawton, Oklahoma