

Heartland Country, Kansas

Buhler Hutchinson Bushton Oxford Wellington Caldwell Conway Springs Anthony Kiowa Hardtner Medicine Lodge Kingman Pretty Prairie Halstead Newton Hesston Sylvia Stafford St. John Lyons Ellinwood Great Bend Pawnee Rock Hoisington

From the buttes and mesas of the Gypsum Hills clear to the stars, the contrasts of Heartland Country will amaze you. If it's adventure you crave, blast off at the Kansas Cosmosphere & Space Center, where you'll see a full-scale replica of the Space Shuttle, the world's largest collection of space suits, and a collection of space memorabilia second only to the Smithsonian. Then, come in for a slow landing at Yoder as you pass an Amish horse and buggy amidst fields of golden wheat. You can always whoop it up later with the cowboys and cowgirls at the state's largest night rodeo in Pretty Prairie, or take a trail ride of your own across one of the great expansive wildlife preserves. Follow your own across one of the great expansive wildlife preserves. Follow your heart to Lindsborg -- "Little Sweden U.S.A" -- where Swedish traditions and Old World charm (with memorabilia from the St. Louis World's Fair) have been enjoyed for nearly 120 years. Before you leave Heartland Country, you're sure to find a little bit of your heart.

Explore Heartland Country

Wellington Parks

Woods Park - 183 acres for fishing, camping, and picnicking.

Sellers Park - baseball field with covered stadium, football field and stadium.

Worden Park - 14

Wellington, KS Recreation

Central Park

Central Park at the west end of Spring Avenue, is two blocks square, and contains facilities often used by citizens and visitors in the community.

At the end of the 19

Conway Springs, KS Recreation

City Parks

Anthony has four public parks with picnic and playground equipment, a ball diamond complex that offers playing fields for all ages, six hard surfaced tennis courts and two outside basketball courts.

Anthony, KS Recreation

St. John Science Museum

St. John Science Museum is a nationally known, working museum of scientific demonstrations that young and old can enjoy. In the museum you will see... * Electricity Traveling Through The Air! * A Bicycle Generator That Puts You To Work! *

St. John, KS Museums

Newton Station

The Newton Station, completed in 1930, was built during the Depression for 350,000. Modeled after Shakespeare's house at Stratford-on-Avon, the Newton Station was home to a Harvey House between 1930 and 1955

Newton, KS Historic Buildings

Ida Goodman Library

The Ida Long Goodman Memorial Library was built and dedicated in 1969. A gift from Mrs Ida Long Goodman, a former teacher, principal, and Stafford County superintendent made the facility possible.

St. John, KS Libraries

Warkentin House

The historic Warkentin House is the former home of Bernhard and Wilhelmina Warkentin, built in 1887. It is a splendid example of the Victorian period in American architecture and furnishings. As a museum, the house offers a glimpse into the way the Warkentins lived, since 80

Newton, KS Famous Homes

Barton County Courthouse

Santa Fe Trail travelers and traders passed through, traded, camped and hunted where the Barton County Courthouse now stands in the center of town. Historically, Great Bend's downtown has served as a focus for the city's business, civic, and social activities.

Great Bend, KS Historic Courthouses

Knights of Pythias Hall - Historic Building

One of Pawnee Rock's oldest buildings is the former Knights of Pythias hall, which started out as an opera house and was one of the first buildings erected in Pawnee Rock after the railroad came through in 1872

Pawnee Rock, KS Historic Buildings

Quivira NWR Fishing

Fishing is allowed on all bodies of water on the Refuge. In addition, we now have a "Kids Fishing Pond"...adults MUST be accompanied by a fishing child, 14

, KS Fishing

Stafford County Country Club

Stafford County Country Club is a 9 hole golf course with grass greens. It's open to the public; pay when you play. For groups it'

Stafford, KS Golf Courses

Explore Heartland Country