

Prairie Lakes Region, Nebraska Arts

  • Hastings Art Galleries

    Hastings Art Galleries

    Aspen Art Gallery
    2727 W. 2nd, Suite 440
    (402) 463-0546
        Features sculpture, prints, paintings, and art of

  • Pony Express Mural

    Pony Express Mural

    The Pony Express galloped through the West in 18

  • Sculpture of Rachel

    Sculpture of  Rachel

    Israel's matriarch, Rachel, was heard weeping for her children during the jewish exile and again during Herod'

  • Opera House Mural

    Opera House Mural

    A highlight of the Ruth Armstrong Theater is the Dick and Kaylyn McBride Mural. what a story it tells! This beautiful 2000

  • WPA Post Office Mural

    WPA Post Office Mural

    At the southeast corner of the square is the Minden Post Office. It was completed in 1937 in the style called by some "WPA Moderne". The mural over the postmaster'

  • Bronze Sculpture

    Bronze Sculpture

    Greeting visitors to Holdrege is the beautiful 12' bronze sculpture, "Promise of the Prairie", by native artist, George Lundeen. It is a promise for today and tomorrow;

  • Red Cloud Post Office Murals

    Red Cloud Post Office Murals

    One of only twelve public buildings in the state of Nebraska which commissioned murals for its lobby, Red Cloud Post Office houses three works by the western artist, Archie Musick, 1941.